We have become aware of a phishing campaign (email fraud) using our company name and address to send fraudulent job offers to thousands of people. The perpetrators send emails from a domain called excelerusconsulting.com (which is not our domain). The emails are sent by a person calling himself Peter Wickman. The emails contain two attachments: a Job Description, and a Labour Agreement. The latter is signed by Jeffrey Pointer, claiming to be HR Chief Executive.

If you have received any of the emails, or if you have been contacted by any of the individuals above, please note that they are not associated with us. We have notified the RCMP Cyber Crime division and they are looking into the matter.

Please do not send any personal information or deal with the above individuals. Based on the emails we have seen, we believe this is a typical job offer scam, where victims are asked to perform some tasks that include sending money to an address or a person overseas. The victim usually receives a cheque with an amount that is much larger than the amount they are asked to send back. The cheque is counterfeit, and usually takes a couple of days to bounce back from the bank, by which time the victim would have wired the money.

We are frustrated that our name is being used to commit a crime. We are also sorry that many people are hearing about us through this fraud campaign. We are victims the same way that the recipients of the emails are.

Finally, we encourage everyone out there to be very diligent in responding to emails and dealing with fraudsters. We thank those who notified us of the campaign that is using our name. We would like to repeatedly stress that we are not affiliated and we are not the company that sends unsolicited job offers.

15 Responses

  1. Just got one of these in my email this morning. Glad you guys are aware. I always do research before responding to a job offer, especially if I don’t remember applying. Quick Google search is all it took to come across this article.

    For anyone else, his name/email was samuel_jensson@excelerusconsulting.com and he claims his company is ‘EXCELERUS CONSULTING’. Also there’s a lot of grammar mistakes that make it very easy to think it’s some kinda scam.

    1. I received the same email with Samuel Jensson as the individual.

      I did correspond with him although did not send any information.

      Research before signing!!

  2. I have just received an email and tried to verify its autenticity because the phone number seems to be outside Canada.
    The email says,
    “We are currently having a position of an Executive Service Manager available in our company. Are you interested / willing to apply? Please contact me if you are interested. The job is based in Canada. Thanks for the quick response.

    Yours sincerely, Manager Peter Wickman

    EXCELERUS CONSULTING Phone: +1 (289) 813-2664 http://www.excelerusconsulting.com

  3. Was not at all difficult to track this, however there are chances that big portion of people, who are less aware of cyber crime, to be victim of this.
    Be careful people, below is the email I received yesterday.
    I request Excelerus to take quick action on this, this could be brand damaging and lead to lack of trust in market.

    “Dear Nik,

    We are currently having a position of an Executive Service Manager available in our company. Are you interested / willing to apply? Please contact me if you are interested. The job is based in Canada. Thanks for the quick response.

    Yours sincerely, Manager Peter Wickman

    EXCELERUS CONSULTING Phone: +1 (289) 813-2664 http://www.excelerusconsulting.com

  4. Despite blocking the first email that I had received from the fraudulent job offer, I continue to receive email messages from “Peter Wickman”. Apparently, simply blocking the email address, or reporting it as a phishing scam, does not deter the continued onslaught of such abhorrent behaviour. Hopefully, getting the RCMP Cyber Crime Division involved will finally stop the criminals from preying upon the unemployed and/or desperate population.

  5. This Peter Wickman is harassing me. He called, sent me emails and even sent me a text message informing me that the police is looking for me as I stole a large sum of money from this company, which clearly I did not! He got my contact information from Workopolis (as he mentioned in his email). I am worried and what he is doing is stressful.

    1. I am sorry to hear that. I suggest you inform him that you are going to the police, and possibly go to the police. Block his emails and text and don’t respond. He will probably give up quickly. I think the police will respond quickly as your case crossed the line from on-line phishing scam to harassment. I hope this helps.

  6. FYI:
    I received several emails from Sebastian Holmbers
    Phone: + 46 81 211 16 75
    The last email contains a job description and labour agreement.

  7. I just received the fraudulent email….thankfully I did some investigating before replying.
    I think the fact that excelerus has put the fraud report on their website is absolutely awesome…hats off to you guys for worrying about all of us.

  8. I received one of these emails in mid-December. It sounded pretty good, but I ignored and deleted it. Same alias sends me another email today, saying ‘we offered you a job, but did not hear back…’, so I requested more information (basically to re-send what was already received last month). Here’s what I sent him back:
    “Hi Samuel,

    That sounds like a fantastic opportunity!! Almost too good to believe 🙂

    Since I did not actually apply for this position to begin with, I felt it necessary to conduct some background research on Excelerus Consulting. Turns out, there are two companies with similar names. One operates out of Ontario, and the other claims to be operating out of a building in Sweden. One is a legitimate consulting firm, and the other is a well known scam… unfortunately, the details of the scam involve a false job offer, complete with a job description and labour agreement attached, received by email, through the domain name excelerusconsulting.com. This happens to be yours! Also, the name Samuel Jensson is well known, amongst others, directly connected with this. I am sure you would not use your own name though…

    I am going to have to decline your amazing offer, and continue my search for legitimate employment. But the great news is that I have received an inheritance from a Nigerian prince, so I may not have to work for long. I sent my contact information to them to receive a Western Union money order that I will be cashing, and sending back 30% to the overseas lawyer who is handling all of the final expenses and legwork on my behalf. It does sound like an awful lot to be giving back for his services, however I will be 8 million US dollars richer! That is great news! Turns out he was a distant relative of mine, and never had any family of his own. He left me as beneficiary for his fortune!

    As much as I would enjoy being conned into thinking that I have been provided with an incredible opportunity to work from home, then end up cashing counterfeit western union and money gram money orders to send you, I must say I will have to pass. Speaking of pass, I am also sending this information to the RCMP Cyber Crimes division, and have already informed the legitimate Canadian firm, of which you seem to be passing yourself(s) off as.

    Thanks again Samuel, say hi to Peter Wickman from the rest of us who have caught on. “

  9. I received a “Job Offer” this morning. The fake position offered is for Executive Service Manager. The email was sent to me by Peter Wickman who claims to be a manager at Excelerus Consulting. He gave the phone number +1 (289) 813-2670.

  10. I got two emails from Peter Wickman

    Dear Aaron Sarmiento,

    We are currently having a position of an Executive Service Manager available in our company. Are you interested / willing to apply? Please contact me if you are interested. The job is based in Canada. Thanks for the quick response.

    Yours sincerely, Manager Peter Wickman

    EXCELERUS CONSULTING Phone: +1 (289) 813-2664 http://www.excelerusconsulting.com

    and this other one

    Dear Aaron Sarmiento,

    We offer a new job offer “Executive Service Manager”. This is a part time or full time Job with flexible and convenient schedule, based in Canada. Salary: 3200 CAD / month. Please contact me if you are interested. If you aren’t interested, please write us back with a request to remove your data. Thank you

    Yours sincerely, Manager Peter Wickman

    EXCELERUS CONSULTING Phone: +1 (289) 813-2670 http://www.excelerusconsulting.com

    I did not answered any of them

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